Kaya at the marina

Moving Forward

Progression And Planning

Things are moving along at a rapid pace.  WE ARE OFFICIALLY a non-profit organization (501c3)!  There is still so much to do.  The boat has been secured and we’re heading south to meet and sail her in April.  Networking and developing contacts is ongoing and we’ve already met some wonderful people who are eager to listen to our vision and plans.   Explaining each step and thought process only increases our excitement and drive to set sail as early as we can.  Just last night we were able to sit and talk with a young couple about what Care2Go Sailing is.  It’s such affirmation that we are working towards and living our true calling to give what we can to this world we call home and those we call neighbors.  A question as simple as “Don’t they have good water?” opens the conversation.  According to WHO (The World Health Organization),  1 in 9 people worldwide don’t have access to clean water everyday and over half the hospitals beds across the world are filled with people suffering from water related diseases.   A simple glass of water that we take for granted can be life changing for someone without.  Lets leave our mark and make those numbers smaller one sip at a time!

It will take a bit more time, planning and coordination to set Sail With Intention.  

We’re working on storage for medical supplies and logistics of shipping them to our planned destinations.  We are asking for donations to purchase those much needed medical supplies and equipment, water filtration equipment, medicines and upgrades for the boat to make it a floating clinic. Please donate once and become a C2Go caregiver or donate monthly to help impact lives for years to come.

Have questions or want to know more reach us on our contact page.  Want to someday sail with us?  Let us know. 

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