First Stop Reno, Nevada

A happy Ysa traveling the highway, even with long days of driving.

Why Reno, well, we’ve heard that a lot. For the changing of life that is necessary to live on a boat, you have to take time to spend with family. My daughter, Alex, lives in South Tahoe and Reno is close enough to have the opportunity to spend time with her.

Traveling from Alaska was a great experience, although, I probably wouldn’t recommend doing it in early January. When the temperatures are pushing -40F at night and -30F for a 2 solid days, along with the minimal hours of daylight and large amounts of snow. Oh and don’t forget the large mountains passes and narrow roads! All while towing a trailer almost as heavy as our truck! But clearly, we survived. Anyways, yes we are in Reno. As it has been a while since our last post, we have already been working at the hospital for quite a while. Spending time with Alex has been very enjoyable. She loves Lake Tahoe, the skiing, hiking and seasons are perfect for her. We even had the chance to ski Heavenly with her, it was beautiful! Family is good, it’s always wonderful as a parent to see your child doing so well with life and learning how to enjoy it, even while working through the tough early years of adulthood.

Skiing Heavenly with Alex was an absolute joy!

We have hit some bumps in the road with financing Kaya, our sailboat, but we are not deterred and continue to work through those obstacles slowly but surely. We are starting a crowdfunding page, to help with the cause. Please participate if you can, it would help us tremendously. All help is appreciated, if you are unable to donate please share, tag and inform friends. We currently are working very hard on getting a few videos out to spread the word and better explain our plans and what is going on. There are only 2 of us working on these projects and it takes time. Your help and support means the world to us!

Much more to come in the next few weeks! We have a lot to share. As things continue to ramp up we will be sure to update much more often. Until then………Sailing with Intention is our plan, your help and support is greatly appreciated!

Did I mention we are going to Vanuatu in November to meet with the Ministry of Health, PCV and hopefully MSM! All of these are great organizations and contacts to really lay down a plan for our arrival! Can’t wait to share more soon!!!!!

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